Logstash as CSV pump to ElasticSearch


Ever wondered if the Logstash can pump comma separated data into ElasticSearch? Yes, the whiskers man can do more!

This configuration was tested against version 2.4.0 and ElasticSearch 2.4.1 on Windows 7.Es-icon

Our input data are tab separated values of academic articles formatted as :


An excerpt from our input :

W09-2307    Discriminative Reordering with Chinese Grammatical Relations Features    2009
W04-2607    Non-Classical Lexical Semantic Relations    2004
W01-1314    A System For Extraction Of... And Semantic Constraints    2001
W04-1910    Bootstrapping Parallel Treebanks    2004
W09-3306    Evaluating a Statistical CCG Parser on Wikipedia    2009

I created a file named tab-articles.conf to process current input :

input {
file {
path => ["D:/csv/*.txt"]
type => "core2"
start_position => "beginning"

filter {
csv {
columns => ["code","title","year"]
separator => "    "

output {
elasticsearch {
action => "index"
<strong>hosts => ["localhost"] </strong>
index => "papers-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
workers => 1


Note that the filter.separator field does not contain “\t” (=TAB character), but the raw value of a TAB as written in the input file.
Note also that the output server attribute is [hosts] and not [host].

Now, check if your ElasticSearch server is running, and run the following command:

logstash.bat -f tab-articles.conf

If you already have a file called articles.txt under d:\csv, it won’t be injected into ES, bacause logstash is mainly intended for logs parsing, and thus acts by default as a “tail -f” reader.

So, after starting Logstash, copy your file into the configured input directory.

Nutch & Solr 6

Apache Nutch

This “project” is about setting up Apache Nutch (v1.12) and Solr(6). The main change between this configuration and older ones is that Solr 6 does no longer use the schema.xml file for documents parsing. Instead, Solr uses the managed schema, which config file starts with :

&lt;!-- Solr managed schema - automatically generated - DO NOT EDIT --&gt;

So, just ignore it. Backup the genuine file and start editing. This file is usually located under {SOLR_INSTALL_DIR}/server/solr/{core.dir}/conf/

In my case for instance, it is : /opt/solr621/server/solr/nutchdir/conf/.

You can use the file attached in this project or edit it yourself by adding fields from the schema.xml under {NUTCH_INSTALL}/conf.

Let /opt/nutch112 be our install directory for Nutch. We’ll be carwling on Amazon.com for some BSR. To crawl using Apache Nutch, follow these steps:

mkdir /opt/nutch112/urls /opt/nutch112/amzcom

echo https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Sports-Outdoors/zgbs/sporting-goods/ref=zg_bs_nav_0 &gt; /opt/nutch112/urls/seeds.txt

bin/nutch inject amzcom/db urls

bin/nutch generate amzcom/db amzcom/segs

s1=`ls -d crawl/segments/2* | tail -1`

bin/nutch fetch $s1

bin/nutch parse $s1

bin/nutch updatedb amzcom/db

bin/nutch generate amzcom/db amzcom/segs

s1=`ls -d crawl/segments/2* | tail -1`

bin/nutch fetch $s1

You can repeat these steps as much as you want.

Once done with fetching,

bin/nutch invertlinks amzcom/linkdb -dir amzcom/segs

Now, you can either dump the binary segments to see the content or read the link database to show parsed links or move data to Solr. To dump physical files from stored segments :

bin/nutch dump -segment amzcom/segs/ -outputDir amzcom/dump0/

To read the fetched links from the latest segment:

bin/nutch readlink $s1 -dump amzcom/dumplnk

To migrate data to Solr (must be running) and you must have at least one core configured with the updated managed-schema.

bin/nutch solrindex http://slmsrv:8983/solr/nutch amzcom/db/ -linkdb amzcom/linkdb/ amzcom/segs/20160924132600 -filter -normalize